how is a HDI pcb manufactured?

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HDI PCB is a type of circuit board that is designed with higher density and complexity, allowing for smaller and more compact electronic devices. The manufacturing process for HDI PCBs involves several steps, which are outlined below:

how is a HDI pcb manufactured

1.Designing the PCB: The first step in manufacturing an HDI PCB is to design the board using specialized software. This software allows engineers to create a detailed schematic of the circuit and the various components that will be used.

2.Manufacturing the substrate: The next step is to manufacture the substrate, which is the base material that the circuit will be built on. The substrate is typically made of a fiberglass-reinforced material, such as FR-4, that is coated with a layer of copper.

3.Adding the copper layers: The next step is to add the additional copper layers that are needed for the circuit. This is done using a process called electroplating, which involves immersing the substrate in a bath of copper ions and applying an electric current to the material.

4.Drilling: After the copper layers have been added, the board is drilled to create the holes that will be used to mount the components and connect the various layers of the circuit.

5.Plating the holes: The holes are then plated with copper to create a conductive connection between the different layers of the circuit.

6.Adding the solder mask: The solder mask is a protective layer that is added to the board to prevent solder from flowing to unwanted areas during the assembly process. This layer is typically made of a green or red epoxy material.

7.Applying the silkscreen: The silkscreen is a layer of ink that is applied to the board to indicate the location of the various components and other important information.

8.Final inspection and testing: Once the board has been assembled, it is thoroughly inspected and tested to ensure that it meets the required specifications.

Overall, the manufacturing process for HDI PCBs is more complex than for traditional PCBs, and requires special technology.

Get more knowledge about how is a HDI pcb manufactured please refer to Rigao PCB:       
